Friday, September 26, 2008

What I've Been UP To...

So for those of you who didn't know I have been down in Bourne, MA inspecting the Bourne Bridge for the last 3 weeks. The first two weeks we worked over land out of a lift (as seen in the above photos). It was really fun to operate! Last week we were actually climbing on the truss over places we couldn't get to on the lift (like over power lines). Next week we are doing rope drops (sounds kind of scary) to look at the suspender cables over the water. So yeah that is what i have been up to lately (literally).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Economic Politics

A non-partisan view of the economics of the coming election:

A president's pension currently is $191,300 per year, until he is 80 years old.

  • Assuming the next president lives to age 80, Sen. McCain would receive ZERO pension as he would reach 80 at the end of two terms as president.
  • Sen. Obama would be retired for 26 years after two terms and would receive $4,973,800 in pension.

Therefore, economically, we should elect McCain in November.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Greg!

Just wanted to wish the love of my life the best most wonderful birthday ever!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our Own Backyard!

So we took this picture in our very own backyard!!! I am wearing the dress that Greg's mom got me this summer and Greg is looking smashing in his suit. This is the view from our kitchen, back deck and our bedroom upstairs...without the gorgeous couple of course. It is so nice to look out the window and see trees instead of Route 108!

This picture is of the two of us with my Grammie. She was down with my mom to visit on Labor Day and we had a great time together. I love every moment I spend with her! She is the greatest. This picture was taken in our neighbors backyard...she's done a nice job with the flowers!