Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wedding Update

I am just updating everyone on the status of the wedding planning, which is that there is nothing new to update. lol. I have scowered the internet, Greg and I went to look at a place in Candia, but that is about it.

We liked the place:
but as the stock market continues to dive and people continue to lose their jobs, it is so scary to put a deposit down on something so expensive (and this place is the cheapest we have been able to find anywhere). So we don't know what to do. We both want a nice wedding and reception (not over the top, just nice), that isn't just a BBQ at a friends house, but at the same time I think it is extremely vital to be financially responsible in the next couple of years, given our nations current economic crisis. So what is more important, a fun day or financial stability? Obviously financial stability...but not having our family and friends be able to get together to celebrate with us is depressing. :( I don't know what to do and it is totally stressing me out.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

my dream

My dream is to be able to play the piano. Like really well. Like recording artist type good. Like able to read music and play by ear and compose beautiful music. Like Stephan Moccio kind of Anthony Burger and Jim Brickman kind of good. Picture me, in the picture above, seated at the baby grand in a beautiful black dress...looking gorgeous (which is of course another dream) and playing beautiful music for hundreds of people (which of course would mean I wouldn't have to go to Manchvegas to work every day). Too bad dreams can only be dreams...

What is yours?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My apologies for being out of touch on this blog. Well, not really. You see, I totally in every way have decided to boycott January. That's right, I boycott January, out of shear contempt for mother nature. January is bitterly cold, dreary, short days, large heating bills, snowy commutes, etc. It is by far the worst month of the year. Therefore, I boycott January, as seen by no posts by me in January. But alas, it is now February, which is nearly as bad as January, however its 3 days shorter and the days are getting longer. So I will try to post some this month. :P